Comment activer le mode Console dans Farming Simulator 22 et accéder à la console + Liste des commandes console

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    Comment activer le mode Console dans Farming Simulator 22 ?

    Pour windows 10

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    Ce PC > Documents > My Games > FarmingSimulator22

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    Faire clique droit sur :

    game.xml puis cliquer sur Modifier

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    <openDevConsole onWarnings="false" onErrors="false"/>


    La ligne :

    <controls>false</controls> la mettre à <controls>true</controls>

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    Cette petite astuce permet de débloquer de nombreuses commandes utiles.

    Comment accéder à la console dans Farming Simulator 22 ?

    Démarrer votre jeu, lancer votre partie puis sur votre clavier appuyer sur la touche ² pour ouvrir la console.

    Pour fermer la console appuyer sur la même touche ².

    Liste des commandes console :

    Commandes Actions
    enableAnimalStatesDebugRendering Enable / disable debug rendering of animal states
    enableCloudFx Enable / disable CloudFx
    enableFramerateLimit Activate / deactivate FPS limiter
    enableOccluderDebugRendering Enable / disable occluder debug rendering
    enablePostFx Activate / deactivate PostFx
    exit Quit the game (back to desktop)
    framerateLimitFPS Set FPS limit
    gsBenchmark Starts a benchmark sequence with camera flight and working vehicles
    gsHudVisibility Switch the HUD (user interface) on / off
    gsPlayerFlightMode Activate the flight mode with key “J” | Up / down with Q / E
    gsWiperStateSet Switching the wipers on / off
    gsCameraFovSet Changes the player’s field of view, for example “gsCameraFovSet 30” = FOV of 30 °
    gsWeatherAdd Sets the weather (Sun, Cloudy, Rain), for example “gsWeatherAdd Sun” = sunny
    gsTimeSet Sets the time of day, for example “gsTimeSet 12” = 12 noon
    gsCollisionFlagShowAll Displays all available collision flags
    gsDebugManagerClearElements Removes all permanent elements and functions from the DebugManager
    gsGuiDebug Debugging of the graphical user interface
    gsGuiDrawHelper GUI Draw helper
    gsGuiSafeFrameShow Shows GUI safe frames
    gsI3DCacheClean Removes and reloads all cached i3d files
    gsI3DLoadingDelaySet Sets the loading delay for i3d files
    gsI3DPrintActiveLoadings Shows active loads in the log
    gsI3DShowCache Shows active I3D cache in the log
    gsInputContextPrint no explanation Shows input context in the log
    gsInputContextShow no explanation Shows input context
    gsInputDebug no explanation Input debugging
    gsProductionPointToggleDebug Toggle production point debugging on and off
    gsRenderColorAndDepthScreenShot Creates a screenshot with color and depth rendering
    gsScriptCommandsList Lists scripted console commands
    gsSetHighQuality Increases the character and LOD spacing of foliage, terrain and objects
    gsShopUIToggle Switches the visibility of the shop configuration interface
    gsSoundManagerDebug Switches the global debug mode of the sound manager on and off
    gsXMLGenerateSchemas Generates XML schemas
    listEntities Output detailed list of entities
    listResources Output detailed resource list
    parallelRenderingAndPhysics Turn on parallel rendering and physics
    q Quit the game (back to desktop)
    quit See “q”
    reloadAnimalConfiguration Reload configuration data for animals in animal houses
    setAsymmetryFactor Sets the CornetteShrank asymmetry
    setBloomMagnitude Sets the strength of the bloom effect
    setBloomThreshold Sets the threshold value for the calculation of the Bloom mask
    setCirrusCloudDensityScaling Sets the scaling factor for the cirrus cloud cover
    setCirrusCloudVelocity Sets the speed of the cirrus cloud
    setCloudBaseShapeScaling Scales the sample position of the base cloud shape texture
    setCloudErosionScaling Scales the sampling position of the cloud erosion texture
    setCloudNoiseVelocity Sets the scroll speed for volumetric noise
    setCloudPrecipitation Sets the cloud precipitation coefficient
    setCloudScatteringCoeff Sets the cloud scattering coefficient
    setDLSSQuality Specifies the DLSS quality
    setDoFBlendWeights X fade distances d0, d1, d2
    setDoFBlurArea DOF blur area, top left (x, y) bottom right (x, y), x, y in [0-1]
    setDoFFarCoC Set DoF wide CoC radius
    setDoFNearCoC Set DoF near CoC radius
    setDoFParams DOF parameters (nearCocR, endNearBlurDist, farCocR, startFarBlurDist, endFarBlurDist)
    setFogPlaneHeight Set the upper height of the fog level [0-1000]
    setFogPlaneMieScaling Scaling of the fog plane Mie scattering coefficient [0.001-1000]
    setHistogramLogLuminanceRange Histogram luminance range [min-max]
    setMSAA Set MSAA
    setMieScaling Scaling the Marie scatter coefficient [0.001-1000]
    setMinMaxLuminanceAdaption Luminance adjustment range [min-max]
    setMoonSizeScale Scales the size of the moon disk
    setPostFxAA Set post process anti-aliasing
    setSSAOIntensity Set SSAO intensity
    setSSAORadius Size of the SSAO radius
    setSSAOSamples Number of samples for the SSAO calculation [1-12]
    setSunBrightnessScale Scales the sun brightness
    setSunSizeScale Scales the size of the sun disk
    setTextureStreamingBehavior Specifies the texture streaming behavior
    setTextureStreamingPaused Sets the pause for texture streaming
    setVolumetricCloudVelocity Defines the volumetric cloud wind direction and cloud speed
    showFps Displays the current FPS